Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference

31 Jul 2019


Sam, irfan, paul_grenier, SteveNoble_, JF, janina, Christine


<scribe> Scribe: JF

TPAC 2019

irfan: ongoing discussion

Irfan had forwarded some pointers regarding some of the groups we may want to meet with. Janina added some additional groups

JS: we should ensure that the discussion we had is archived publicly
... WebApps is not prepared to talk with us. they don't do HTML anymore, and the group that does won't be meeting at TPAC

our proposed agenda isn't ready... WebAPps suggests we talk to TAG

So, who wee need to talk to is less clear now

WebApps no longer works on HTML

So it is possible we need to chat with TAG

JS: but at this point, WebApps isn't the right group

Irfan: previously mentioned Leonie... is that still a good point person?

JS: the full list of groups that are meeting is listed on the wiki... we should look at that to see which groups to talk with

<irfan> jf: question for janina. two people for a quick chat. Chris Wilson and David Singer. they could be useful

<irfan> Janina: will check which group they are in.

<irfan> janina: will send an email right away

user scenarios

Irfan: I have had a chance to review this document. there may be some langugage issues, but nothing major sticking out

it has now been formatted in W3C way, and open for feedback - this is the first draft version

<janina> ~https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/user-scenarios/

[off-topic discussion about providing URLs into meeting agendas]

PG: tried to link up with a local professor, who had created the virtual reality demo

PG.... soundtracks... XR standards, and how that may be useful to look at. Believe these are user-scenarios we should be includinging

<irfan> http://matatk.agrip.org.uk/articles/w3c-workshop-on-web-games/#pronunciation-of-gender-neutral-words

JS: we can and will. XR in particular are being tracked by the APA, as it has a broad impact on accessibility

Irfan: are you talking about [unintelligable] at CSUN?

PG: No

Irfan: ... workshop (regarding gaming?) at TPAC

PG: posted that last week, but have not had any personal contact

scraped that and added it to issues log

Irfan: had posted a URL...

I just checked to see his email before this call - ongoing thread will include Paul in the thread

PG: specific issue for any pronunciation platform

how it gets into a game or mechanics or audio descriptions

PG: for webVTT, mostly for audio descriptions, or non-audio content in an XR gaming platform (for example)

Not sure how that is provided to blind/low vision

Looking at the structure: where and when do we insert pronunciation in these platforms?

Irfan: need to build out this list of questions, so that we can follow up

JS: it's more than just gaming... lot of technologies being built. Not just WebXR, but also gaming, etc.
... This is very much an APA issue, and coordination is happening there

primarily via RQTF

JS: looking at the mechanics of this

<Sam> Apologies, need to drop off for a call....

PG: I am looking at this from the technical approach - where in the cahin is this added?


JS: we're learning about this now. We have some info on some, but we're still looking

What we are dong here is creating a building block

JF: need to think of open systems and also closed eco-systems

<paul_grenier> queu+

JS: don't understand the gender-neutral use-case

PG: we do this in english frequently

so the question is, what is the choice, should there be a consistent choice? Is there a direct relationship with the actual language, or the intent

I argue it should be pronounced as intended, and not how it may actually be written

PG: provided an example. Technically we don't have the tools to do this. For now, we need something to bridge the gap

JS: there are a lot of assumptions here. If the author creates a new word, it needs to be pronounced as written
... this is a common issue in translation

<irfan> JF: may be it is concern.. we are talking about creating mechanism hat allows user how a particular characteristic is interpreted by AT

JS: don't believe this belongs

PG: if you write a blog, and you coin a new term... [suggests GIF/GIF] debate...

if we had good indication from the onset

JS: agreed. But SR's can also add custom pronunciation terms

But end user should not be able to change the content - copyright issues


[summary] we have a commmon problem, and examples are popping up - adds relatability to a larger group of authors

we need a mecanism to extend this

Irfan: after this discussion about gender-neutral langauge, should this be written up, or should we be asking form more information

JS: haven't seen the email. We *are* working on the mechansim to do this, but we don't force authros to push pronunciations

thatr isn't our role - we are not "correct speech " censors

Irfan: I keep seeing possible cross-group use-cases. Is there a way of contacting multiple groups at the W3C that we don't know, to ping our work?

JS: there are mechanisms, but it's a murky place
... we need some political friends as well - which is why we want to talk to TAG (etc.)
... but we'll work it best we can at TPAC

JF: suggest we look at being very prepared for the Wednesday Plenary day at TPAC

PG: could help to prepare assets to assist in that

use case documents

Irfan: we discussed looking at some information

Paul, did you get a chance to review or add to that content?

PG: di dupdate the use-cases document with a pull request

<irfan> https://www.w3.org/TR/string-meta/

Irfan: seems to be some similarity

PG: my take is that they are passing a JSON object at the page level - feels very verbose and heavy

this is closer to PLS, where you describe the vocag for the entire page

JS: we may need to discuss this in more detial
... one concerns is... will we meet our publication deadline?

Irfan: we discussed this, This will be a First Working Draft, and not eh final publication

was discussing this with Mark... think we should be OK

not seeing any coincerns at this time

JS: that's good news
... Roy had a medical emergency, so he is out of pocket for the immeadiate future

PG: I will double check that document, and see if i can add anything to the Use-cases document

I spent my time this week on other issues

Gap Analysis document

Mark just went through a revision last week - still in process

looking to add more narrative in the beginning

we need more examples of actual code examples

<scribe> on-going

Survey Questions

Irfan: have been working on this, but it needs review first. Stand by

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/07/31 15:01:00 $

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Default Present: Sam, irfan, paul_grenier, SteveNoble_, JF, janina, Christine
Present: Sam irfan paul_grenier SteveNoble_ JF janina Christine
Found Scribe: JF
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Found Date: 31 Jul 2019
People with action items: 

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