The 95+ Best Songs About Happiness And Joy

Updated April 24, 2024 107.0K views 96 items
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17.5K votes
2.1K voters
2 reranks
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Songs with "happy" in the title are fair game, but this list focuses mainly on songs about happiness as a subject.
Music is often the best way to express happiness or joy over something you can't stop smiling about. Most happy songs have to do with a relationship, but others celebrate the simple happiness of feeling good in day to day life. This is a ranked list of the best songs about happiness, as voted on by music fans like you. Some of the songs included below may have the words "happy" in the lyrics or title, while others are only about happiness and harmony as a subject or theme. You may have heard classics like R.E.M's "Shiny Happy People," but what about newer songs like "Junk of the Heart (Happy)" by The Kooks?
Music isn't typically categorized by the meaning of the words, so this music list is a great way to find some solid tracks that are thematically similar. Vote for the happy songs that you enjoy the most, and downvote ones if you think they're not worthy of being high on the list. If one of your top songs is missing, add it to the list so others can vote for it too. Many genres of music are featured below, including rock, pop, folk, metal, and more.
Most divisive: Everybody Have Fun Tonight
Over 2.1K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 95+ Best Songs About Happiness And Joy