
Receive feedback from peer and expert reviewers.

Peer-to-Peer Review

During peer-to-peer review, each applicant will score and comment on five other applications using the four criteria included in the scoring rubric: impactful, feasible, evidence-based, and durable. This is the same scoring rubric that the evaluation panel will use.

Scores will be calculated using an algorithm that ensures a level playing field for all applicants. In addition to scoring each application on the four criteria in the scoring rubric, peer-to-peer reviewers will also provide a final numerical score, ranging between 0-100, representing an overall impression of the entire application. We ask that each peer reviewer carefully read the applications given to them and provide meaningful feedback.

The peer-to-peer review will result in a rank order of all valid submissions. Based on the rank order of scores, top-scoring applications will move forward to the evaluation panel review. 

Evaluation Panel

The evaluation panel members have been carefully chosen for their knowledge and experience. Each member scores and comments on the applications assigned to them. Each valid application will receive five sets of reviews that have been statistically normalized. Informed by the resulting rank order of applications, up to five finalists will be named. 

Yazan Al Taher

Principal, FullCycle

Shalanda Baker

Professor of Law, Public Policy & Urban Affairs, Northeastern University

Kate Barnes

Senior Program Officer, Conservation and Climate Solutions, MacArthur Foundation

Jessica Boehland

Program Officer, Kresge Foundation

Jane Breyer

Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnership, Energy Foundation

Keya Chatterjee

Executive Director, US Climate Action Network

Shanna Cleveland

Program Officer, Clean Energy Barr Foundation

Betty Cremmins

Director, North America Corporate Partnerships, CDP

Bowman Cutter

Associate Professor of Economics, Pomona College

Rebecca Dell

Industry Strategist, Climate Works Foundation

Subin DeVar

Program Director, Community Renewable Energy Sustainable Economies Law Center

Anthony Eggert

Director, Transportation, Climate Works Foundation

Joel Espino

Transportation Equity Lead, Wend Collective

Denise Fairchild

President & CEO, Emerald Cities Collaborative

Chandra Farley

Just Energy Director, Partnership for Southern Equity

Calvin Gladney

President & CEO, Smart Growth America

David Goldstein


Anand Gopal

Program Officer, Environment Program Hewlett Foundation

Michael Leon Guerrero

Executive Director, Labor Network for Sustainability

Roland Hwang

Managing Director, Climate & Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council

Madeline Janis

Executive Director, Jobs to Move America

Tina Johnson

Principal, Johnson Strategy & Development Consultants

SatKartar Khalsa

Program Strategist, Tempest Advisors

Nic Lutsey

Program Director, International Council on Clean Transportation

Cecilia Martinez

Executive Director, Center for Earth, Energy & Democracy

Sierra Martinez

Program Director, National Team, Energy Foundation

Surabi Menon

Vice President, Global Intelligence ClimateWorks Foundation

Deepika Nagabhushan

Program Director, Decarbonized Fossil Energy, Clean Air Task Force

Rudi Navarra

Portfolio Director of Environmental Justice, Emerson Collective

Rolf Nordstrom

President & CEO, Great Plains Institute

Michael Northrop

Program Director, Rockefeller Brothers Foundation

Vickie Patton

General Counsel, Environmental Defense Fund

Lynn Price

Senior Advisor, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Maria Roca

Chair, Department of Integrated Studies, Florida Gulf Coast University

Erin Rogers

Co-Director, Climate & Gender Justice Fund

Michelle Romero

National Director, Green for All

Alvaro Sanchez

Director, Environmental Equity, Greenlining Institute

Gaurav Sant

Professor & Henry Samueli Fellow, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering

Brendon Slotterback

Program Officer, Midwest Climate & Energy Program, McKnight Foundation

Jennifer Somers

Program Director, Energy Efficiency for All, Energy Foundation

Tom Steinbach

Executive Director, Tempest Advisors

Jorgen Thomsen

Director, Climate Solutions, MacArthur Foundation

Christie Ulman

Executive Director, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

Devra Wang

Program Director, Climate & Clean Energy, Heising-Simons Foundation

Michael Webber

Josey Centennial Professor in Energy Resources, The University of Texas at Austin

Nan Zhou

Head of the International Energy Analysis Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Selection Committee

In partnership with Lever for Change, the Selection Committee will review the top-scoring submissions and select up to five Finalists based on considerations that may include, but are not limited to, rank order, organizational capacity, geographic diversity, and feasibility. The donor will make final determination of the Finalists and Awardee of the 2030 Climate Challenge.

Are you ready to be part of the climate solution?

Join us in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the buildings, industry, and/or transportation sectors in the U.S. by 2030. Submissions have closed.