Expanding Critical Zone Science by Integrating New Researchers

[Image from Sudowoodo/Shutterstock]

TO our colleagues in #blackinstem: we see you and stand by you.  

 We would like to point you to two statements being circulated: A Call to Action for an Anti-Racist Science Community from Geoscientists of Color: Listen, Act, Lead, and Geoscientists Call for a Robust Anti-Racism Plan for the Geosciences. These statements highlight actionable strategies for dismantling racism and increasing the representation of POC in STEM.  Look, sign, share, or just use it as an opportunity to learn about others.


The "critical zone" (CZ) is the part of the earth that goes from the atmosphere down through groundwater.  The goal of this National Science Foundation funded Research Coordination Network (RCN) is to bring together the next generation of outstanding scientists, and their diversity of thought, around big problems in earth surface processes.

Our goals:

This RCN aims to 

Join us!

We hope you'll work with us.  If you'd like more information on what we've done to date, please check the out our past efforts.  You can also follow us on Twitter: @joinCZscience!

COMing soon--a data-model integration workshop!

Are you an early-career researcher who collects critical zone (CZ) field data and is interested in learning more about numerical modeling of CZ processes? We have a fully funded workshop for you!

In a meeting of the RCNs (the Reactive Transport RCN led by Alexis Sitchler and this Early-Career CZ RCN), we wanted to do something a little different that we thought might help the CZ community make big strides in data-model integration.  Join us for a data-model integration workshop this summer (July 28-30, 2024)!  We will partner early-career scientists with interesting data who are interested in learning to model with later-stage scientists with modeling skills to build meaningful partnerships and collaborations.  Come with data, and leave with collaborations and starts of models!  The meeting will be at the Colorado School of Mines, and you can find the application here.