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College of IST:  World Campus Student Survey --- - TEMPLATE (MAKE COPY)
The purpose of this survey is to understand the experience of students in this course during this stressful time with COVID-19. The data that are gathered from this survey will inform your instructor about how to better serve students in learning. Participation in the survey is voluntary, and should only take 5 minutes of your time. The data collected are anonymous and will only be used within the College of IST.
1. Which of the following concerns have been a challenge for you in the past month? (Check all that apply.)
Tipo de pregunta
Cargando imagen…
My access to reliable Internet/service
My access to a reliable digital device (e.g., laptop, mobile device)
My access to child care for children in the home
Concerns about access to healthcare for myself or someone in my home
Concerns about my time or energy to effectively participate in my class
Concerns about job security
Concerns about food security
Concerns about housing security
Añadir opción
añadir respuesta "Otro"
Clave de respuestas
(0 puntos)
2. If you selected "Other" above, please describe your concerns.
Tipo de pregunta
Cargando imagen…
Clave de respuestas
(0 puntos)
3. Overall, to what extent has the COVID-19 crisis impacted your studies?
Tipo de pregunta
Cargando imagen…
Not at all
A little
A moderate amount
A lot
A great deal
Añadir opción
añadir respuesta "Otro"
Clave de respuestas
(0 puntos)
4. If you have any additional concerns that would help the instructor understand what flexibility or support you need during this period, please briefly share them below. To the extent possible, provide specific examples.
Tipo de pregunta
Cargando imagen…
Clave de respuestas
(0 puntos)
Thank you for taking this survey. Your response has been recorded. If you need assistance with any of the following, please consult the resources listed.
Learning resources:

Learning Support FAQ's on the College of IST's COVID-19: Student Information and Resources:

Technology resources:

World Campus Technical Support: 

College of IST Helpdesk if you experience issues with technology, including arranging to borrow a laptop: 

Student mental health resources:

World Campus Care and Concern:

Penn State's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):

Resources to aid students experiencing challenges:

World Campus Student Affairs:

Penn State's Student Care and Advocacy:
Vincular con Hojas de cálculo
Mensaje para los encuestados
Ya no se aceptan respuestas en este formulario
Distribución de las puntuaciones totales
Cargando respuestas…
1. Which of the following concerns have been a challenge for you in the past month? (Check all that apply.)
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
2. If you selected "Other" above, please describe your concerns.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
3. Overall, to what extent has the COVID-19 crisis impacted your studies?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
4. If you have any additional concerns that would help the instructor understand what flexibility or support you need during this period, please briefly share them below. To the extent possible, provide specific examples.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Thank you for taking this survey. Your response has been recorded. If you need assistance with any of the following, please consult the resources listed.
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