Time From 1st Submission to DOB Review
Average business days from filing date to first status of incomplete, objection, or approval (NB/A1 service level target: 10 days, A2/A3 service level target: 2 days).
Development Inspection Wait Time
Average number of business days from when licensed professionals (such as contractors) request a DOB inspection to approve their work to when that inspection occurs.
Appointments to Approval
Average number of appointments between registered design professionals (such as architects or engineers) and when their plans to build, alter or demolish a structure are approved.
Customer Service
Average wait time for calls received by offices that are part of DOB’s Interactive Voice Response system. Average response time for help form inquiries submitted at www.nyc.gov/dobhelp
Construction Safety Enforcement
Average business days from when a licensed professional requests a re-inspection from the Construction Safety Enforcement unit to rescind a Stop Work Order to when that inspection occurs. Average business days from filing date of demolition and site safety plans to first status of incomplete, objection, or approval.