The Just On Marine email briefing

Your fortnightly dose of Ocean optimism

The best ocean stories - and why they matter - from around the world.
Curated by a marine biologist.

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Justin Blake studied as a marine biologist at Rhodes University, South Africa.

I support my work through Experiences - in person, and online. Connecting young and old with remarkable ocean tales taking place beneath the waves.

I work on natural history film productions - from Netflix to Disney and BBC Planet Earth III.

I now live in Cape Town, South Africa. Visiting? Email me.

Praise for Just On Marine

"Rockhopper is the brilliant invention of Justin Blake, who has entranced a multitude of tourists with his joyous knowledge about the riches of our coastline, and whose ‘Just On Marine’ newsletter is a fount of information."
— PROF GEORGE BRANCH, Marine biologist & author: Living Shores and Two Oceans

"Justin is super knowledgeable and took all of our detailed - and sometimes challenging - shark questions in stride. This was one of the most enjoyable things I've done in the past couple of months."
-- ANNA - California, United States

"I have still not recovered from the high I got from our Airbnb experience… Sharks. I thought they were cool before this, and now… oh my word. I knew nothing. They’re the coolest. I feel I should apologize to my fellow attendees for the child-like gaze of wonderment I had throughout but at the same time, sorry not sorry"
RYAN - California, United States