Thornton Hall D214
PO Box 400742
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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1997 - Present: Professor of Applied Mechanics, University of Virginia

1991 - 1997: Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics, University of Virginia

1988 - 1991: Assistant Professor of Applied Mechanics, University of Virginia


Micromechanics/homogenization and simulation of heterogeneous materials

Stress analysis of anisotropic and layered materials with emphasis on mixed b-v problems (contact and crack)

Mechanics of composite materials (analysis, computational aspects, test method development and characterization of thermo-mechanical response)


Author of over 250 archival journal papers, proceedings papers and technical papers, co-author of three books, co-editor of an international proceedings and guest editor of 8 special issues of archival journals

PI and co-PI on numerous federal, state and industry funded research projects

Major advisor to 18 MS and 14 PhD students

Consultant to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Collier Research Corporation

NSF CENTER and NSF CAREER Proposal Panel Reviewer

ASCE Advanced Composites Committee: past chairman

International Journal of Plasticity – Editorial Board Member (2003 – present)

ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics - Associate Editor (1997-2003, 2008)

Composites: Part B (Engineering) – Editorial Board Member (1990 – present)

ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering – Editorial Board Member (1996-2008), Associate Editor (2006 - 2008)


Organizer of sessions on Micromechanics & Homogenization Aproaches in Graded Media, MM&FGM 2014

Technical Co-Chair of Multiscale & Functionally Graded Materials 2006 International Conference

Invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences, including Plenary Lectures

Invited participant in the NSF-funded Brazil-USA Workshop on Applied Mechanics (2002) and Advanced Materials (2003)

Organizer of sessions on Plasticity of Multiphase Materials at the Int. Plasticity 2003 Conference

Organizer of sessions on Functionally Graded Materials at the Int. Thermal Stress 2003 Conference


B.S. ​University of Waterloo, Mechanical Engineering Department, 1975

M.S. ​University of Waterloo, Mechanical Engineering Department, 1976

Ph.D. ​Virginia Tech, Engineering Science and Mechanics Department, 1981

Our research accelerates development of novel materials for use in different areas. The courses prepare students for a career of continuous learning.


Research Interests

Computation Materials Science
Nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing
Bio-inspired systems
Structures and Mechanics (Sustainable Infrastructure Systems)
Morphing structures/biomimetics

Selected Publications

“Finite-Volume Direct Averaging Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Materials with Elastic-Plastic Phases,” Int. J. Plasticity, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2006, pp. 775-825. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2005.04.012 BANSAL, Y. AND PINDERA, M-J.
“A Locally-Exact Homogenization Theory for Periodic Microstructures with Isotropic Phases”, J. Applied Mechanics, Vol. 75, No. 5, 2008, pp. 051010-14. DOI: 10.1115/1.2913043 DRAGO, A. S. AND PINDERA, M-J.
“Micromechanics of Spatially Uniform Heterogeneous Media: A Critical Review and Emerging Approaches”, Composites B, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2009, pp. 349-378. doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2009.03.007. PINDERA, M-J., KHATAM, H., DRAGO, A. S., AND BANSAL, Y.
“Generalized FVDAM Theory for Periodic Materials Undergoing Finite Deformation. Part I: Framework”, J. Applied Mechanics 81, 021005-1:10. (11 pages), 2014. DOI: 10.1115/1.4024406 CAVALCANTE, M.A.A. AND PINDERA, M-J.
“Cohesive Zone-Based Damage Evolution in Periodic Materials Via Finite-Volume Homogenization”, J. Applied Mechanics, 81(10), 01005 (12 pages), 2014.DOI: 10.1115/1.4028103 TU, WENQIONG AND PINDERA, M-J.
“Generalized FVDAM theory for elastic-plastic periodic materials. Int. J. Plasticity 77, 90-117, 2016. CAVALCANTE, M.A.A, PINDERA, M-J.
“Targeting the Finite-Deformation Response of Wavy Biological Tissues with Bio-Inspired Material Architectures”, J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Materials 28, 291-308, 2013. TU, WENQIONG AND PINDERA, M-J.
“Locally-exact homogenization theory for transversely isotropic unidirectional composites”, Mechanics Research Communications 78, Special Issue 2-14, Part B. WANG, G. AND PINDERA, M-J.
“On boundary condition implementation via variational principles in elasticity-based homogenization”, J. Appl. Mechanics 83(10), 101008-1:15, 2016. DOI: 10.1115/1.4034227 WANG, G. AND PINDERA, M-J.
“Locally-exact homogenization of unidirectional composites with coated or hollow reinforcement”, Materials and Design 93, 514–528, 2016. WANG, G. AND PINDERA, M-J.


USA Vice-Chair of the International Forum for Functionally Graded Materials 2002-2006
NASA Innovation Awards 2004, 2000, 1997, 1996
Best Paper Award from the ASCE Aerospace Division 1998
The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship Award 1997
Gordon Conference General Lecture 1996
University of Virginia Harrison Award 1996
NASA/OAI & NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Awards 1993, 1992, 1991
G. H. Duggan Medal from the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers 1986

Featured Grants & Projects

Micromechanics-Based Homogenized Constitutive Equations for Porous Periodic Materials Study Period: 08/15/ 2009 – 08/15/2010, Sponsor: Army Research Office, Principal Investigator: M-J Pindera, Amount of Award: $108,114
Microstructural Effects in Tayloring the Response of Engineered Bio-Materials Study Period: 09/01/2010 – 08/31/2012, Sponsor: National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator: M-J Pindera, Amount of Award: $229,678