Book cover: Diversity Explosion


Diversity Explosion

How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America

William H. Frey
Release Date: July 24, 2018

Greater racial diversity is good news for America’s future

Race is once again a contentious topic in America, as shown by the divisive rise of Donald Trump and the activism of groups like Black Lives Matter. Yet Diversity Explosion argues that the current period of profound racial change will lead to a less-divided nation than today’s older whites or younger minorities fear. Prominent demographer William Frey sees America’s emerging diversity boom as good news for a country that would otherwise face declining growth and rapid aging for many years to come.

In the new edition of this popular Brookings Press offering, Frey draws from the lessons of the 2016 presidential election and new statistics to paint an illuminating picture of where America’s racial demography is headed—and what that means for the nation’s future.

Using the U.S. Census, national surveys, and related sources, Frey tells how the rapidly growing “new minorities”—Hispanics, Asians, and multiracial Americans—along with blacks and other groups, are transforming and reinvigorating the nation’s demographic landscape. He discusses their impact on generational change, regional shifts of major racial groups, neighborhood segregation, interracial marriage, and presidential politics.

Diversity Explosion is an accessible, richly illustrated overview of how unprecedented racial change is remaking the United States once again. It is an essential guide for political strategists, marketers, investors, educators, policymakers, and anyone who wants to understand the magnitude, potential, and promise of the new national melting pot in the twenty-first century.

Praise for the previous edition of Diversity Explosion

“Bill Frey is widely acknowledged as America’s leading demographer. In Diversity Explosion he extrapolates from current trends and paints a picture of how America will change demographically over the next 40 years. ”
Michael Barone, American Enterprise Institute, Washington Examiner, and co-author, The Almanac of American Politics

“Bill Frey has mapped the contours of the emerging Next America more powerfully and presciently than anyone else. With Diversity Explosion, he gives us nothing less than a field guide to the American future. Frey has looked deep into the data and emerged with a book that is not only comprehensive and compelling but also ultimately hopeful in his faith that Americans will come together to seize the enormous opportunities generated by our kaleidoscopic demographic change. ”
Ronald Brownstein, editorial director, Atlantic Media and author, The Second Civil War: How Extreme Partisanship Has Paralyzed Washington and Polarized America.

“William Frey is a numbers guy. Diversity Explosion is a smart, but not daunting exposition of the demographic revolution already under way. Frey breaks down the intriguing ways we’ll watch America change: at work, at school, in the voting booth and in the culture at large. He shows us the next America and then tells us all the reasons he’s concluded we can handle it.
Ray Suarez, Al Jazeera America’s Inside Story, and author, Latino Americans: The 500-Year Legacy That Shaped a Nation

““What happened to the country I grew up in?” As a journalist I hear that question all over America, especially from older white people. Blacks and all but the most recent immigrants say it too. Let Bill Frey expertly explain the change and why it is good for everyone. A great read! ”
Juan Williams, Fox News political analyst, Hill columnist and author, Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years.

“In a definitive guide to America’s demographic transformation, Frey gives us the facts and figures needed to understand how we got to where we are as a people and the even greater changes still ahead. Some books speculate about the future, this one calculates certainties. ”
Roberto Suro, professor of journalism and public policy at the University of Southern California



William H. Frey is a senior fellow with the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution and research professor in population studies at the University of Michigan. Frey is an internationally recognized demographer with expertise in U.S. demographics, American political demographics, and the U.S. Census. His commentary and observations appear frequently in major print, online, and broadcast media..

Media Coverage

The New Face of America: The Social and Political Implications of Growing Diversity in the U.S

The renowned demographer and author discusses his new book, Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics Are Remaking America

Diversity explosion: The impact of America’s ethnic shift

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