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Find Fun STEM Activities to Fit Science Needs

Quickly find free science activities for use with students at home!

Examples from library of more than 150 student science activities, including paper roller coaster, Junkbot robot from recycled materials, marker tie-dye, model bird nest, anemometer from paper cups, and more

Science Buddies has more than 200 free science activities for kids. These activities are short-term science and engineering explorations especially designed for use at home, in the classroom, or for programs at libraries, camps, or afterschool.

Science Buddies' resources are always free, but during the current widespread school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the free library of science activities offers a treasure trove of readymade science instruction that teachers can use as part of their online learning strategy and that parents can use at home.

Finding the STEM You Need

On the STEM Activities for Kids page, you can browse all activities by various thematic categories to find activities of interest. To make it easier for teachers to find activities that fit the units they are doing with students, we've sorted the list below by areas of science.

To learn more about using these activities as part of your online learning, see STEM activities. We also encourage you to share Science Buddies as a resource for your students' families. The 30 Free Picks for Fun Kid Science post highlights 30 activities families may especially enjoy at home in these days. We also are running a Doing Science at Homeseries, with posts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as one of our own staff members chronicles her adventure doing science at home with her kids during the school closure in her area.

STEM Activities for Kids Sorted by Areas of Science

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