No: 648/18

16th November 2018

Dear Colleague


Further to LTB 635/18, the main purpose of this LTB is to expand on the work we are doing, in accordance with the decisions of the Redesign Conference, to take forward our new regional and equality structures.

As part of this and as stated in LTB 635/18, the Redesign Team continues its work in identifying and preparing the necessary Rule Changes that flow from the Policies agreed at the Special Conference.

In this regard, Branches will be aware that this work must be completed within the normal timeline for publishing to Branches the rule changes to be presented to the Rules Revision Session of General Conference 2019. Therefore, we can confirm that we are currently working to a deadline for Rule Changes to be published to Branches by 5th February 2019.

To meet both this timeline and to take the actions needed to implement agreed policy not requiring a rule change, Branches will understand that between now and the 5th February 2019 there is a substantial amount of work to be done. The element of this that relates directly to the implementation of our new Regional and Equality structures is being advanced as follows:

New Regional Structures

The CWU has agreed to implement a reinvigorated, much changed and more focused Regional Structure. The positive changes agreed at Conference are central to delivering the Union’s agenda of reasserting Trade Union values across society and working for major political change. Within the new Regional Structure there are a significant number of new positions and the Redesign Team are currently looking at the process for introducing these. We will also be working with our Regional Secretaries to develop implementation plans for each region, which will be consistent with an overall national approach.

New Equality Structures

The clear decisions taken in Bournemouth enable us to make positive changes that bring all our equality work into mainstream union structures, whilst also developing new equality strand networks at regional level that will be far more accessible to Branches, Representatives and members.

Crucial to this – for the first time – is having the joined up approach agreed by Conference that will connect all equality work via a restructured HQ department, the NEC, new Conference arrangements, Regions and their new strand networks. To facilitate the transition from our previous structures to the new structures, we can confirm the following:

From Tuesday 20th November, Trish Lavelle will take on responsibility to lead the Equality Department through transition and the merger with our Training, Education & Learning Department. Trish will continue in this role until General Conference 2019, at which point the situation will be reviewed. We will also be putting in place additional support and utilising, where appropriate, our NEC Equality strand members to ensure a smooth transition.

Additionally, on 26th November 2018, we have arranged a meeting of all the existing Advisory Committee members to discuss all the issues associated with the implementation of our new structures. In the meantime, we can advise that we are planning on the basis of the existing equality strand conferences still taking place in the New Year and the dates for these will be published soon.

Further information on the general implementation of all policies agreed at the Special Redesign Conference will be published as our work progresses.

Yours sincerely


Dave Ward – General Secretary                                                  

Tony Kearns – Senior Deputy General Secretary