Coronavirus and Massachusetts Nonprofits

This page provides a wide range of resources related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and its impact on the nonprofit sector. Click the links below to be directed to:

For more, subscribe to MNN’s newsletter or follow our Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn feeds. We’ll continue to share resources and recommendations about how organizations can prepare and respond.


Vaccine Mandate Information


Philanthropic and governments across Massachusetts are setting up funds to support organizations and communities that have been impacted by the coronavirus. See below for a list of funds. MNN is updating this list as often as possible.

*To see this list as an interactive Google map, click here. For a complete listing of COVID-19 grants for Massachusetts nonprofits, click here.

Additional philanthropic funds can be found on Philanthropy Massachusetts’s website here.


  • The Small Business Administration (SBA) issued interim final guidance on PPP loan forgiveness. Our national partners at the National Council of Nonprofits have conducted a thorough analysis of this guidance. Click here.
  • AAFCPAs has additional information–including step-by-step loan forgiveness calculation instructions–here.
  • PPP Loan Forgiveness Calculator: click here.


Vaccine Guidance


How should nonprofits in Massachusetts respond?

Nonprofits should consider rescheduling or canceling programs or events, revisiting their work from home and sick leave policies, and thinking through ways to effectively communicate COVID-related updates with employees and other stakeholders. Nonprofits should also stay informed throughout the duration of the outbreak from reputable sources like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. See the National Council of Nonprofits page of resources for nonprofits and COVID-19.

Virtual Event Tools and Resources

Revisit work from home and sick leave policies

Nonprofits adjusting their work from home and sick leave policies should:

Remote Work Communication Tips

Nonprofits play an important role in educating and reassuring employees, volunteers, and other stakeholders.

  • Talk with your team. Reassure your team that you care about their health and safety.
  • Make telecommuting options available for as many employees as possible. For businesses in which telecommuting is not an option or for particular duties that cannot be performed remotely, follow proper steps above to limit close contact, and prevent the spread of disease.
  • Remind employees of your organization’s policies related to illness and sick leave, and be flexible with sick leave benefits for those who are ill or who are recommended to stay home because they are high risk.
  • Be mindful that different members of your team may perceive the threat differently or have special concerns based on their life circumstances. For example, persons with elderly family members may be especially concerned, and Asian Americans are likely facing increased racism. Leaders should be prepared to recognize, respond to and prevent stigma and discrimination in the workplace. Do not make determinations of risk based on race or country of origin, and be sure to maintain confidentiality regarding the health of specific employees. Speak out if you see this happening.
  • Read the Communications Network’s free “Coronavirus Crisis Communications Triage Kit” for how to communicate about the disease clearly, accurately, and effectively.

Financial planning

Organizational Resources

Resources for individuals needing assistance